Saturday, March 8, 2014

BASIC FIRST AID INSTRUCTIONS (Bleeding, Eye Injuries, Burns & Scalds)


Severe bleeding is a major threat to life and always need prompt attention by the First Aider.
 1. Apply direct pressure to the wound using your hand or the casualty's hand.
2. Elevate the limb.
3. Apply a thick dressing and a firm bandage.
4. Check circulation in the end of the bandaged limb.
5. Get medical help.

 Embedded Objects
1. Apply pressure with pads round the embedded objects.
2. Apply a Firm bandage to hold the pads in place
3. Get medical help.


Large embedded foreign body or laceration
                                                         1. Assist the casualty into a comfortable position
2.Tell the casualty not to rub or move the eyes.
3. Cover both eyes with a light dressing and bandage
4. Get medical hep.
Small foreign body in the eye
1. Assist the casualty into a sitting position with head back leaning to one side
2. Gently separate the eyelids.
3. Irrigate the eye with clean water or a sterile saline solution.
4. Get medical help.
5. Do not use any object to wipe the eye.


The immediate aim of treatment is to COOL the burned area.
1. Cool the burn under cold running water for a minimum of 15 min.
2. Remove items of clothing/jewelry likely to retain heat.
3. Cover with a loose sterile/clean dressing e.g. handkerchief; pillowcase
4. Elevate burnt limbs.
5. Get medical help.

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